STEAM Learning



ASA 2020 Online STEAM Expo is Open!

The 2020 Online STEAM Expo at ASA is open early!


Check out the online space that includes over 30 unique student submissions, K-12 Classroom STEAM Activities, ASA Community STEAM Initiatives, and STEAM Activities for Families!

The STEAM Expo and Online Art Shows have partnered together to give your family a special treat at the end of year. You’ll find links connecting the sites (starting June 15th) as well as a link for you to submit feedback regarding distance learning. We hope you enjoy these special gifts for your family at the end of the year!

May 20th, May 27th, & June 3rd - ASA 2020 ONLINE STEAM EXPO

Now Accepting Submissions!

The 2020 Online STEAM Expo at ASA is now open for student submissions. All students in grades 3-12 have until May 30th, 10 pm, to submit their projects. The STEAM Expo will go online from June 13-19th and judging will take place through the week. Awards and results will be announced at the end of the week.


  • Submit your Project: Use the entry template to submit your project. You have until May 30th to tweak or modify it.

  • Get Inspired: On June 13th, all projects will be posted online. Be sure to check out the Expo and support your fellow young scientists, artists, engineers, and innovators.

  • Be Recognized: Judging is based on project quality, originality/creativity, and communication. Awards and results will be announced at the end of the week


Do you have an awesome project/investigation from the school year you’d like to share? Not sure if it’s right for the ASA STEAM Expo? If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, then go ahead and submit!. If you need support in applying, reach out to your homeroom teacher, math/science teacher, or specials teacher for guidance.

  • Science: Did I make a science experiment/project that I want to share? School or home projects are both fine.

  • Technology: Did I code or create something unique using technology? Minecraft, websites, and robotics are perfect!

  • Engineering: Did I build something that I’m proud of? Bridges, towers, cars, and robots are some examples.

  • Art: Did I create art modeling STEM subjects or inspire a STEM design using art? Digital creations are welcome!

  • Mathematics: Did I discover a pattern from a unique perspective? Number ideas, equations, and data all work.

Online STEAM Expo:

Expo Submissions Form:

Note: April and early May posts were omitted due to the transition to distance learning

March 25th - WOMEN IN STEM - Females astronauts and design

This month we celebrate the amazing women in STEM careers who inspire us to dream and reach new heights. Mae Jemison was the first African-American woman in space when she traveled on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1992 as a mission specialist. She first graduated from Stanford University with degrees in chemical engineering and African studies and then studied at Cornell University where she earned her medical degree. Just 3 months ago, women in NASA completed another first when astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir completed the first spacewalk with an all-women team.

March 18th - WOMEN IN STEM - Female Coders and Online Learning

This month we celebrate the amazing women in STEM careers who design virtual tools for us to improve our quality and depth of life. There are many women throughout history who have led to significant advances in computing and programming. Hidden Figures, a biographical drama film, tells the story of three such African American women who worked as mathematicians, computer programmers and engineers in NASA. Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson all contributed critical pieces to several NASA space flights and will be forever memorialized in the popular film.

Online learning has a history of over three decades and continues to evolve in its scope, depth, and accessibility. Some of the greatest strengths of online learning are it’s asynchronous nature, access to teachers around the world, and ability to personalize learning. As we have transitioned to a couple weeks on online learning, our ASA students are being introduced to the future of teaching and learning. Major universities already offer online courses for free, such as MIT OpenCourseWare, where students can learn the same as enrolled students without having to pay for tuition.

March 11th - WOMEN IN STEAM - Females in Medicine and Covid-19

This month we celebrate the amazing women in STEM careers who heroically save lives through medical research. Tu Youyou was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her work in discovering a treatment for malaria. She discovered artemisinin and made a breakthrough in twentieth-century tropical medicine, saving millions of lives in South China, Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America. Despite being called a “Three-Without Scientist”, meaning she has no postgraduate degree, no study or research experience abroad, and no membership in Chinese academies, she still completed her amazing breakthrough and paved the way for further treatments of malaria.

The current state of heightened medical alert around the world in regards to Covid-19 has more people researching medical institutions, treatments, and global coordination. The American School of Asuncion sets the safety and care of our students as our utmost priority and is following all recommended and additional safety protocols in accordance with the plan coordinated by the Director General, Christopher Russo. All communication regarding this plan and its effects, such as heightening cleaning and hygiene protocols, come directly from ASA’s Director General to ensure that school programming is continued and uninterrupted while student health and safety is prioritized.

March 4th - WOMEN IN STEM - Gloria Cabral and Architecture

This month we celebrate the amazing women in STEM careers who inspire us envision our dreams and build them. Gloria Cabral is a Paraguayan-Brazilian architect who studied at the National University of Asuncion and has received multiple awards for her designs, including the first prize of the Pan American Architecture Biennale of Quito, the Golden Lion of the Venice Biennale of Architecture, and the Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture. Nearly half of all architecture students in universities are women, yet there are classic hiring and glass ceiling challenges that keep the professional field predominantly male. Initiatives, such as Equity by Design, are working to address “pinch points” in the profession and promote best practices in recruitment, retention and promotion in the field.

The amazing girls in grade 5 have been busy designing and building their own architectural models as part of mini STEAM activities. Students were tasked with designing a floor plan of their dream residence and then bringing that plan into reality as both a detailed blueprint and a 3D model. Working in small groups, these girls mapped, scaled, measured, and modeled the structures that they envisioned. This activity promotes critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication, all 21st century skills needed for our future designers to succeed and re-envision the field of architecture.

February 26th - MONTH OF ENGINEERING - Environmental Engineering and Aquarium Donations

This month we celebrate the field of engineering and this week we focus on ecosystems and environmental engineering. This branch of engineering studies diverse environments and creates solutions to improve ecosystem quality and reduce adverse effects. Environmental engineers design projects such as water reclamation facilities, air pollution control systems, and operations that turn waste into energy. This is a very important issue in our lifetimes as we struggle with changing environmental conditions that directly impact our ecosystems and communities. Jeff Bezos recently announced a commitment of $10 billion USD to address climate change by funding solutions that engineer ways to improve the quality of our environment.

To deepen understanding of ecosystems here at ASA, our K5 students are observing the aquatic habitats of goldfish and guppies while they study molecules and organisms. Their unit is based around the standard that students “use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.” Students will observe that all animals need food in order to live and grow, and they obtain this food from other plants or animals. This sort of hands-on observation of ecosystem is necessary to spark the interest of STEM learning in students at a young age. To support this effort to provide authentic learning experiences for our child, if you have an old aquarium you don’t use anymore, please donate it to our science department by contacting

February 19th - MONTH OF ENGINEERING - Electrical Engineering and Circuity

This month we celebrate the field of engineering and this week we focus on electricity and electrical engineering. This is the one of the newer branches of engineering and focuses on the technology of electricity. Electrical engineers encounter a wide range of devices, components and systems, from tiny microchips to huge power station generators. This topic is particularly of interest to our school community due to the technical issues regarding power access and distribution we encountered last week.

Students in 4th grade study energy in their science class and create a series of electrical circuitry systems to understand how energy currents work. These investigations are based on the Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) 4-PS3-2 (physical science) which states “Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat and electric current.” Using batteries, wires, and their knowledge of closed circuits, students explore how to create effective electrical systems. Through their investigations and scientific curiosity, students also discover that a range of household objects conduct electricity, such as bananas and anything made of metal. Let’s stay focused in our studies and use knowledge to keep the lights on far into the future!

February 12th - MONTH OF ENGINEERING - Engineering Kites and the Design Cycle

This month we celebrate the field of engineering and all the different disciplines inside it. Engineering is the branch of science and technology centered on the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures. Engineering typically follows a design process that starts by defining the problem through potential solutions and constraints. Then, engineers develop models using digital programs or physical materials. Finally, they optimize their design by looking at areas to improve and reflect on how to recreate their models. Students in 1st grade developed kites as part of an engineering challenge to harness the unseen force of the wind. They first explored the phenomenon of wind through pinwheels, designed kites with their family, and then improved their models by tweaking various parts.

Educators at ASA are as committed to teaching as they are to learning themselves. This last week was an opportunity for our teaching community to come together and improve our practice through study and reflection. There were many workshops on campus, held by both external presenters and internal teachers, and as a community we focused on moving towards a transdisciplinary learning model based on standards, such as NGSS and CCSS. In a explorative design workshop aimed at prepping our community for the use of the Makerspace, our professional educators explored the ASA Design Cycle through a series of activities, such as making musical instruments from craft materials or reenvisioning a learning unit through a transdisciplinary lens.

December 11th - MONTH OF CODING - Hour of Code and Guarani Games

This month the focus is on computer coding. ASA will participate in the global Hour of Code where every student spends an hour learning the basics of coding through fun and engaging activities. This is to demystify ‘code’ and show that anyone can learn the basics of computer science. It’s a necessary skill for the future, has great earning potential, and kids love it! ASA is onboard and opportunities are already scheduled for students from grades K-12. Computer science is a key piece to the STEAM program initiative we are developing and as always we appreciate the community support.

Grade 10 students in Mrs. Avila’s Guarani class took the coding challenge seriously and creating their own cultural mythology games using the language Scratch. Using the block based coding language, students created question and answer games about popular Paraguayan myths. Projects included visual images, music files, voice recordings, and points systems for playing the game. Rather than read about it, go ahead and play the games here: Game 1, Game 2, Game 3, and Game 4.

December 4th - MONTH OF CODING - Hour of Code and Digital Citizenship

This month the focus is on computer coding. ASA will participate in the global Hour of Code where every student spends an hour learning the basics of coding through fun and engaging activities. This is to demystify ‘code’ and show that anyone can learn the basics of computer science. It’s a necessary skill for the future, has great earning potential, and kids love it! ASA is onboard and opportunities are already scheduled for students from grades K-12. Computer science is a key piece to the STEAM program initiative we are developing and as always we appreciate the community support.

Grade four students are leading the technology charge by culminating their Global Read Aloud unit through an online call with another fourth grade class in the United States. The students are using a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) program, such as Skype, Hangouts, or Viber, to digitally connect but also share a human connection. Students in Mr, Lawyer’s class asked the other class about fun topics, such as snow, as well as more academic ones, such as digital citizenship and being responsible online. ASA is now a registered Common Sense School which means we actively teach digital citizenship as part of our curriculum and are invested in a safe and secure online environment for our learners.


The month of November is dedicated to amazing STEAM museums around the world that inspire children and adults. Our fourth is the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, recommended by K5 teacher Analia Rojas. Among the museum exhibits are a full-size replica coal mine, a German submarine captured during World War II, a 3,500-square-foot model railroad, the command module of Apollo 8, and the first diesel-powered passenger train. There are a total of over 2,000 exhibits in 75 major halls.

Students in Kinder 5 have been exploring materials and motion in their science classes. They’ve investigated the different properties of wood, fabric and paper by comparing their densities, permeabilities to water, and other general properties. Additionally, they explored motion through hands-on activities, such as rolling balls down different angled ramps and terrain. As a final Friday center, students opened their imagination and employed the design cycle to create their own toy out of paper, wood and fabric. Below you’ll find a robot model, a car design, and a replica model of the plastic bottle recycler.


The month of November is dedicated to amazing STEAM museums around the world that inspire children and adults. Our third is OMSI: Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, located in Portland, Oregon. This interactive museum for kids and adults has a planetarium, a large screen theater, and a variety of hands-on exhibitions focused on natural sciences, industry, and technology. Some of the featured exhibits include a submarine tour, a hall of turbine engines, and a variety of scientific laboratories that explore chemistry, biology, and physics.

Third grade students are busy diving into their own version of industry by making cardboard arcades. This Maker Experience is all about utilizing the dynamics of push and pull forces to create a fun and balanced game. Students are exploring the different ways that cardboard pieces can be connected together, designing their 3D arcade games, and improving them to optimize user experience. Key to this engineering experience is learning through a design cycle. Here are ASA we are following a revised version of the Engineering Cycle, based on the Next Generation Science Standards Engineering Practices, that includes the reflection component as a necessary step in learning.


The month of November is dedicated to amazing STEAM museums around the world that inspire children and adults. Our second is the American Museum of Natural History, located in New York City. The museum was built nearly 150 years ago and contains over 33 million different specimens of plants, animals, fossils, minerals, rocks, meteorites, human remains and human cultural artifacts. The museum also employs a full time scientific staff of 225 and sponsors over 120 special field exhibitions every year. The mission statement of the museum is: “To discover, interpret, and disseminate - through scientific research and education - knowledge about human cultures, the natural world, and the universe.”

Dinosaurs and robots have a couple things in common: They are made up of many, many pieces! Just like dinosaurs have specific parts for walking, balancing, and eating, the robots that students at ASA design also have specific parts for moving, controlling, and completing tasks. Any student involved in robotics, whether in the elementary school with the WeDo kits, the middle school with the EV3 kits, or the high school with the Tetrix kits, knows that robots are made of many different pieces, such as sensors, gears, and supports. Knowing how to utilize these pieces and organize them for easy access helps students develop both their critical and creative thinking skills.


The month of November is dedicated to amazing STEAM museums around the world that inspire children and adults. Our first is the Exploratorium: The Museum of Science, Art, and Human Perception, located on Pier 15 in San Francisco. The Exploratorium was established 50 years ago and creates a space for inquiry-based experiences to transform the way we learn about science and art. The hands-on nature of the exhibits encourages participants to touch, experiment and wonder what happens when they make changes. To this date, the Exploratorium has created over 1000 different participatory exhibits.

STEAM learning is not a spectator sport. The high school robotics students know this first hand through their semester long investigation into the coding, construction and application of robotics. This sort of learning requires critical and creative thinking, collaboration with peers, and active communication skills. These are all 21st Century Learning Skills in action here at ASA. Look forward to seeing an exhibition of their creations towards the end of the year during our very own STEAM Expose museum experience.


October is a special month dedicated to science where each week has a special focus. We’ve looked at Biology, Earth Science, and Chemistry so far, so let’s spend our last week focusing on the marvels of Physics by looking at the favorite tool of scientists around the world: the microscope. Advances in physics through understanding the behavior of electrons and magnetic fields led to the creation of the electron microscope, a device that allows for amplification up to 10,000,000 times.

Students in 6th grade science are developing their scientific inquiry skills by using their class set of compound microscopes to view slide cultures at different levels of amplification. Students views samples of spirulina, cork, water samples and other natural cultures to determine the difference between single cell and multicellular organisms. This was part of their larger study of cellular structures by categorizing the similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Our world holds countless mystery to discover and seeing it with your own eyes is an experience they will never forget.


October is a special month dedicated to science where each week has a special focus. Chemistry is our subject for this week, so let’s look at how our previous week, Earth Science, and our current week, Chemistry, come together by looking at cookies. Cookies are loved around the world by children (and adults, too!) and despite their simple ingredients there is quite a complex chemical process going on. Butter is an emulsion that separates into water and fat, high temperatures ensure any bacteria are killed off, and baking soda reacts with acids in the dough to release carbon dioxide bubbles to make the cookie fluffy. Check out the whole process here!

Students in the fifth grade are currently studying the Earth and Sun by exploring the interplay of celestial bodies and the results on Earth. Through planetary card activities, shadow and light observations and using a gradation of frosting on cookies to model the lunar cycle, these explorative scientists are developing a strong foundation for how the natural phenomenon of the world operate. With a bit of luck and skill, they might reinvent our favorite cookie into a whole new surprise!


October is a special month dedicated to science where each week has a special focus. Earth Science is our subject for this week, so let’s look at how our previous week, Biology, and our current week, Earth Science, come together by looking at beetles. Earth science is the study of our planet’s characteristics, from earthquakes to raindrops, and floods to fossils. A recent article about fossil discoveries of beetles has shown that these tiny creatures that have been around since the time of dinosaurs and continually evolving to survive. Currently there are over 350,000 different types of beetles which account for nearly 25% of all known life forms on the planet.

Students in grade 4 are currently studying the evolutionary cycle of the darkling beetle. This creature goes through several stages of life while living amongst the debris of the outer crust of our Earth. Students use the life cycle of the beetle to experiment with different factors that influence growth, such as the composition of the earthy habitat, differences in temperature or lighting, and amount of creature density. Check out the photos of students starting to explore the cycle of these creatures by taking the mealworms out of their habitats and observing their structures.


October is a special month dedicated to science where each week has a special focus. Biology is our subject for this week, so let’s look at individuality and the DNA code as the blueprint for who we are. Deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as DNA, is the famous double-helix comprised of base pairs (A with T, C with G) that store the biological information for creating all the parts of our bodies. The long discovery of the building blocks of life touches on the work of many famous biologists, including Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel, James Watson and Francis Crick, and continues into noble modern projects such as the Human Genome Project and controversies such as cloning and stem cell research.

High school biology students at ASA learned how to extract DNA through a series of mixtures and filtrations. Using bananas or other fruits, the students mashed the material together and then mixed in a salt and detergent solution to further decompose the cellular membrane. A filter was used to remove the solids and the resulting liquid was diluted with alcohol, causing the DNA to settle on the top of the mixture. The DNA was then spooled using a stirring rod and pulled out of the solution to be looked at under a high intensity microscope.


October is a special month dedicated to science where each week has a special focus. Space is our subject for this week, so let’s explore how humans have always been fascinated to build towers to reach the stars. From the mythical Tower of Babel to the modern concept of the space elevator, engineers and space lovers have explored ways to become closer to the stars.

Second grade students at ASA have been exploring various material properties in their Solids & Liquids science unit with the goal of using them to build a tower almost a meter tall. To tackle this challenge, they employed the design thinking approach to empathize with the situation, understand the limitations, design possible towers, construct models, and test them. After the spring break, these students will extend their exploration by using 3D software to design and print their towers. Through engineering design, Maker experiences, and modern technology, we can reshape education and build up to the stars.


Herbal medicine is the study of plants for the basis of medical use. Civilizations around the world based their traditional medicines on the treatment and use of herbs, and modern medicine still makes use of many plant derived compounds. Aspirin, one of the most common and historic pain relievers, is derived from willow tree bark extract. This was a practice common for hundreds of years before a chemist named Charles Gerhardt derived the current form used today.

Students at ASA study life sciences and biology every year in elementary and middle school, and then for a whole year in high school with an option to receive college credit as an Advanced Placement course. Check out these photos from our 3rd grade students as they dig deeper into understanding plant structures, both above and below ground. In this Structures of Life investigation, students compared the root structures of plants around the school with those that they grew directly in their classrooms.


Medical treatments and prescription drugs are carefully studied before public use. This process is called “clinical research” and the work involved is the perfect combination of scientific inquiry and mathematical analysis. Careers in this field are known as some of the best jobs, entry-level professions can earn six figure salaries, and the opportunities in the future are only growing.

This weekend students from all over Paraguay assembled at ASA to compete in the OMAPA national mathematics competition. Key to all clinical research is using math and statistics to prove or disprove scientific claims. Math is not a spectator sport and requires active engagement for deep learning to be achieved. When children improve their math and science understandings, they gain clearer understandings into the challenges that our world faces, such as the medical struggles that threaten those we love most. The more math and science we know the more we can reshape our future.


The Petri dish is a classic tool in science and medicine that all students use during their educational journey. This shallow and cylindrical glass (or plastic) dish is primarily used to study cells as they grow or decay. It’s named after the German bacteriologist Julius Richart Petri who invented it the late 1800’s during his work with the Imperial Health Office in Berlin.

Students in 4th grade are studying soils, rocks and landforms and putting the dish to another use by testing evaporation results from various soils. This is part of their larger study into earth science where they investigate phenomena such as erosion, physical or chemical weathering, and fossilization. Key to their learning is a balance of building scientific literacy through reading technical texts and hands-on experimentation to foster an inquiry mindset.


3D printing is a type of additive manufacturing. 3D printing is a process that creates a three-dimensional object by building layer upon layer of raw material. The most common materials used to 3D print are plastics and nylons, but metals, ceramics and more organic materials are also used. Medical devices can be produced by 3D printing that include implants, surgical instruments, dental restorations and external prosthetics.

Students at ASA now have the ability to explore the world of 3D printing by using our state of the art printer installed in the library. This flexibility allows students and creators to easily design, make, and change plans without the need for additional parts or equipment. Students can now make household items, toys, educational tools, and school project materials to supplement their learning. Speak with Mr. Shelden or Mrs. Porche to check it out and learn how to start printing.


For a plane to fly, there is a complex interplay between the forces of lift, weight, thrust and drag. Airplanes achieve lift through wing shapes that force air to move into pockets of high and low pressure. This generates lift and when this force is greater than the counter force of weight, the aircraft rises in the air. Moving the air over the airfoil (plane wing) to create these pockets of high and low pressure requires significant thrust, or powerful engines.

Students in the MS Engineering Design elective have been busy during the month of August envisioning planes using the computer assisted design software WhiteBox Learning. While they are not working with jet engines, they are still changing the shapes of the wings, fuselage, vertical and horizontal stabilizers to maximize flight time. Below are screenshots from two students who are still designing, making minor and major modifications after they learn more about lift, weight, thrust and drag.


Flying by plane is the safest method of transportation in the world. Nevertheless, accidents happen and airlines are no exception. Anxiety of flying can be as common as one in four adults and up-to-date news of all reported airlines crashes can compound the fear. Still, when pilots and passengers understand safety precautions and exercise best practice, lives can be saved, such as this recent case last week of a Russian pilot successfully landing a plane after the engines were shut down by a flock of birds.

This week at ASA, students and teachers prepared for possible emergencies that can occur on our campus by simulating two drills: lock-down and fire. All classrooms post the procedures, class lists, and other information necessary to ensure that safety precautions are followed. Make sure to follow-up with your child and family the importance of preparing for situations. You never know when learning how to repair a flat tire will save your life.


Planes have dashboards, just like cars. To ensure safety and performance, pilots routinely check the ‘flight instruments’ on the dashboard to determine altitude, airspeed, vertical speed, orientation, roll, and more. These dials give a clearer picture of how to carefully navigate environments that would normally be off limits to humans. Below are three of the four ‘basic T’ layout instruments that are central to all planes.

Opportunities to learn about complex engineering through hands-on and digital experiences will be more common at ASA with the addition of the STEAM Center building. The principals and director general at ASA are busy checking the dials during the construction phases to ensure that the building meets our expectations for a safe and secure learning environment. Check out the in-construction photos below for the building that will be the main center for art rooms, science laboratories, and Makerspaces. In our elementary science classes, students are learning how to check for details in common objects, such as fruit and vegetables. These 3rd graders in Mr. Hillman’s class recently completed one of their science investigations into the origin of seeds by conducting seed hunts. Students collaboratively opened fresh fruit to compare and contrast seed structures and properties. Building STEM skills early on!


Aeronautics is the science and art involved with the study, design, and manufacturing of air flight capable machines. Our community in ASA has flown in countless planes, but do we really understand the larger picture of air travel? Air travel is projected to double in 20 years as more and more people work, live, and travel around the world. The gif below helps to illustrate how connected our world is through air travel.

Given that air travel is not always the fastest option to explore the world, teachers at ASA are using VR cardboard kits to bring our students around the world without the wait. Check out these photos from a lesson in a Political Systems class with Mr. González where students using the school’s cardboard VR kits to explore Ancient Greece. Explore more on your own by downloading some of the experiences and fly around the world or back in time without ever buckling up your seatbelt.


As the ASA community returns to academic studies for our 66th year, the whole world also celebrates the 50th anniversary of humans landing on the moon. On July 20th, 1969, the Eagle module from the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed at Tranquility Base. Hours later, Neil Armstrong made history by taking the first steps on the moon. His famous words, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," can be heard by listening to this realtime footage of the Apollo 11 mission. Click on the orange T-Minus 1M button to start the action and skip ahead to 109:24:26 to hear the famous quote.

This year also marks a new moonshot goal for ASA as we develop our program capacities to be a leader in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) education in Paraguay and the Americas. We are committing resources, investing in training, and building programs to ensure that students have the opportunity to have first hand experiences with building robotics, coding computer programs, investigating science phenomena, and exploring the joys of mathematics, all through a design lens. This year we are launching our engineering/robotics specials in both the middle and high school, courses that will culminate in an Engineering Accolade graduates who take the sequence. Join us as we venture forth on this journey to prepare our students for the future.