STEAM Learning


June 1st - 22nd - Month of STEAM Celebrations - ASA STEAM Expo & Annual Surveys




"EXCELLENCE IN ... " Awards

The Judges Committee is proud to announce that all student submissions have been reviewed. Every submission is a testament to the strength and resiliency of our ASA students during this time of distance learning. All submissions have received written feedback from the judges that can be viewed directly in the submission. Submissions that went above and beyond the criteria of quality, originality, and communication have been awarded "Excellence in ... " as special recognition for their unique achievements.

Why not 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place?

The Judges Committee decided to focus on substantive feedback and special recognition to encourage all student participants to learn and grow from their (and others') submission experience. A classical competitive ranking of projects using a focused rubric streamlines criteria feedback but can overlook unique and innovative projects. The committee instead chose to emphasize substantive feedback (positive aspects and constructive criticism) for all participants as a means of guiding our budding engineers, scientists, innovators and creators. "Excellence in ... " awards, much like classroom excellence awards, are used to emphasize exceptional projects that go above and beyond in their specific field, such as digital arts, engineering, crafting, and coding.

The Judges Committee is honored by the strength of submissions this year and encourages all participants to view the work of their peers and become inspired for the STEAM Expo next year!


Parents, please complete these brief surveys to help improve STEAM Learning @ ASA~

STEAM Learning @ ASA has been growing steadily for the last three years, but we still have a long ways to go before becoming a worldclass and regional hub of STEM/STEAM learning. These surveys allow us to determine how closely aligned out efforts are to the external standards that assess quality STEM/STEAM programs. Your input in invaluable.

May 26th - Month of STEAM Learning - ASA STEAM Expo & Calorimeter Engineering



Check out the nearly 100 submissions from our elementary, middle, and high school students!

Our theme this year is Apocalyptic Innovation. Many of us are familiar with the quote "Necessity is the mother of all invention." What we might not be familiar with is that many of our children and students feel anxiety and apprehension about the state of the world we are giving to them. Rising sea levels, burning forests, and increasing microplastics in animals are just a few of the signs of a deteriorating climate. Under the pressure of various approaching disasters, we need to radically innovate the way we live to avoid leaving the world a far worse place than we found it.

Occurring alongside the STEAM Expo, Art Show, and Tri-M Concert is the LatinThinks Design Conference. This is a collaborative event with five other embassy-supported international schools in the Latin American Region. This is the second time that ASA has hosted this design conference and you might remember the first time when it was branded as RoboHack.

The goal of the LatinThinks Design Conference is to empower international students across Latin America to design innovative solutions to 21st-century challenges. Students connect with mentors, create using design tech tools, collaborate with peers, and communicate ideas for official recognition. Keep checking the official conference website ( for official information regarding the Friday Conference Showcase.

STEAM learning @ ASA is integrating engineering challenges with the scientific method for authentic inquiry and design! Students in grade 10 were tasked with creating a heat chamber device that would optimize the laboratory tests of calories counting. In this lab & engineering design challenge, students used heat to burn common food stocks and measure the calorie count. Their value was compared with the actual amount on the package to determine percentage of error. Then, students designed and engineering devices using materials in the Makerspace to contain the heat and reduce the percentage of error in their experiments. This learning unit fuses engineering challenges with the scientific method as a comprehensive unit focused on inquiry, student choice, and design thinking. Well done 10th graders!

May 19th - Month of STEAM Learning - ASA STEAM Expo & The Math of Basketball


Submission Deadline Extended to Sunday, May 22nd!

  • Science: Did I make a science experiment/project that I want to share? School or home projects are both fine.

  • Technology: Did I code or create something unique using technology? Minecraft, websites, and robotics are perfect!

  • Engineering: Did I build something that I’m proud of? Bridges, towers, cars, and robots are some examples.

  • Art: Did I create art modeling STEM subjects or inspire a STEM design using art? Digital creations are welcome!

  • Mathematics: Did I discover a pattern from a unique perspective? Number ideas, equations, and data all work.

Online STEAM Expo:

Expo Submissions Form:

Students in Mr. Rojas’ high school math class have been taking their equation and formula finding to new levels by modeling them in reality. Students are learning about parabolas by shooting hoops on the court and using this data to determine whether the basketball will make the hoop. A basketball in the air is modeled by a parabola and follows the basic properties of having a vertex and a symmetrical shape. Using this information, students are able to calculate the specific trajectory of the ball and determine if the shot will result in points. This is a practical and authentic application of math by using technology in the real world to simulate a math property. Well done HS students!

May 12th - Month of STEAM Learning - ASA STEAM Expo & Notable Figures in STEAM History

This is the Final Week of Accepting Submissions!


Do you have an awesome project/investigation from the school year you’d like to share? Not sure if it’s right for the ASA STEAM Expo? If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, then go ahead and submit!. If you need support in applying, reach out to your homeroom teacher, math/science teacher, or specials teacher for guidance

Students in 7th and 8th grade have been learning about underrepresented and minority figures in STEAM history by discovering the biography of a single individual and making a ‘Bottle Buddy’ to share with the community during the STEAM Expo. The purpose of this project is to uncover the notable figures from history that contributed to science, technology, engineering, art, and math advancements but were generally marginalized from mainstream society due to their gender, color, disability or other social difference. Students are expected to develop an accurate ‘Bottle Buddy’ with props that represent significant contributions the individual made to their specific field of study, a video presentation (accessed by a QR code) explaining the key points of the individuals biography, and a career study digital poster highlighting the following criteria:

  • what science and math classes would be necessary in this field;

  • what college degree or course of study is required;

  • what type of company or business hires this position;

  • what is the range of expected yearly salaries;

  • what is the potential impact to make a positive difference in the world.

Look forward to seeing these diverse ‘Bottle Buddies’ on May 25th and 26th during the Art Show & STEAM Expo!

May 5th - Month of STEAM Learning - ASA STEAM Expo & Rockets


Submit your Project: Use the entry template to submit your project. You have until May 13th to tweak or modify it.

Get Inspired: On May 25th, all projects will be posted online. Be sure to check out the Expo and support your fellow young scientists, artists, engineers, and innovators.

Be Recognized: Judging is based on project quality, originality/creativity, and communication. Awards and results will be announced at the end of the week

6th grade students have been busy in their latest Maker Experience building a comprehensive water bottle rocket complete with parachute deployment systems. They are using the ASA Design Cycle to ASK questions about the forces on rockets and parachutes, IMAGINE possible systems through reseach, PLAN their designs using limited materials, CREATE their designs using materials in the Makerspace, REFLECT on their launch performances, and IMPROVE their rockets through multiple iterations. This is exactly what engineering design practices is all about at ASA. We look forward to celebrating more of these activities during the upcoming Art Show, STEAM Expo, and Tri-M concert this coming May 25th - 28th!

April 28th - Month of Sustainability - ASA STEAM Expo & Petri Dishes

The 2022 STEAM Expo at ASA is now open for student submissions. All students in grades 1-12 have until May 13th, 10 pm, to submit their projects. The STEAM Expo will go online from May 25th - 28th and judging will take place throughout the week. Awards and results will be announced the following week.

The STEAM building has breathed new life into our science classes through interactive labs and maker experiences. A recent lab in AP Biology with Mrs. Katie Barnett Rivas explored animal behavior by using the school’s collection of beetles and mealworms. In this lab, students decided to test which food sources the beetles prefer using Petri dish choice chambers. Students created in advance a variety of experiments using petri dish choice chambers to determine preferable food sources for beetles. They created their own lists of ideal foods, sourced the materials through the school, controlled the situation using the petri dish choice chambers, and then collected data through repeated experimentation. This sort of student-centric, inquiry-based learning is exactly what STEAM Learning @ ASA is all about!

April 21st - Month of Sustainability - ASA STEAM Expo & Leprechaun Traps


Now Accepting Submissions!

The 2022 STEAM Expo at ASA is now open for student submissions. All students in grades 1-12 have until May 13th, 10 pm, to submit their projects. The STEAM Expo will go online from May 25th - 28th and judging will take place throughout the week. Awards and results will be announced the following week.


Submit your Project: Use the entry template to submit your project. You have until May 13th to tweak or modify it.

Get Inspired: On May 25th, all projects will be posted online. Be sure to check out the Expo and support your fellow young scientists, artists, engineers, and innovators.

Be Recognized: Judging is based on project quality, originality/creativity, and communication. Awards and results will be announced at the end of the week


Do you have an awesome project/investigation from the school year you’d like to share? Not sure if it’s right for the ASA STEAM Expo? If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, then go ahead and submit!. If you need support in applying, reach out to your homeroom teacher, math/science teacher, or specials teacher for guidance

  • Science: Did I make a science experiment/project that I want to share? School or home projects are both fine.

  • Technology: Did I code or create something unique using technology? Minecraft, websites, and robotics are perfect!

  • Engineering: Did I build something that I’m proud of? Bridges, towers, cars, and robots are some examples.

  • Art: Did I create art modeling STEM subjects or inspire a STEM design using art? Digital creations are welcome!

  • Mathematics: Did I discover a pattern from a unique perspective? Number ideas, equations, and data all work.

Online STEAM Expo:

Expo Submissions Form:

Meanwhile, a recent project from our K5 kids that we want to highlight are Leprechaun traps. Students studied the behavioral habits of these fantastical beasts and designed potential traps to capture them in their natural environment. This combination of fantasy and behavior centered design was just the spark for creativity that our K5 students needed to come up with a variety of creative ideas. Their teacher, Mrs. Jimena Burt, mentioned that “The results were awesome! They used recycled materials and most of all: CREATIVITY!” It’s amazing to see students from kindergarten to high school use the ASA Design Cycle to thoughtfully research, design, and test innovative solutions to all kinds of problems, especially 21st century challenges.

April 7th - Month of Sustainability - National University of Asuncion & Marbleruns in the Makerspace

The entire 8th-grade class pioneered a community connection with the National University of Asuncion (UNA) through a half-day visit to the College of Agricultural Sciences. Students studied the vast collection of mammals, fish, reptiles, and birds on display at the museum by sketching images of various creatures and labeling parts of their bodies that improved their survivability. They also explored the collection of 1000s of insects from butterflies to beetles and further documented the differences in physical structures through note-taking and diagrams. All students also explored the large research fields used by the university to study plant and insect interactions that impact agricultural production. This academic field trip is closely aligned with the biology topics that students are learning in middle school as well as being a key opportunity for students to explore college and career pathways. ASA looks forward to developing more community collaborations with the top university in Paraguay.

5th grade students are reusing simple materials, such as cardboard tubes and plastic bottles, to study the concepts of gravity and motion through Marble Runs. A Marble Run is a classic physics experiment where a track guides the marble through a series of twists, loops, and turns. Students use the ASA Design Cycle to imagine and plan possible models for a marble run and then come to the Makerspace to create them. The creation process is a time of trial and error where it is okay for students to make mistakes and learn from them. It is also a time to build a sense of spatial awareness, fine motor skills, and cause and effect analysis. Furthermore, building a project together requires students to naturally develop teamwork and collaboration skills. ASA is so proud to have students in our Makerspace building, creating, and learning!

March 31st - Women in STEM/STEAM - Female Leaders in STEAM & ASA Teachers

Since the start of March, ASA has been inviting females leaders in the topics of science, math, engineering, art, and technology to come to our Makerspace and meet with high school female students. Females students are more likely to stayed engaged and committed to STEAM subjects when they are encouraged and supported by female role models. The purpose of this initiative is to ensure that our high school young ladies are able to meet the amazing female leaders of Paraguay and abroad that lead and contribute to STEAM subjects. During the month of March ASA hosted the following females leaders in STEAM:

  • Maria Peroni - Architect, urban planner, ASA alumni, and alumni from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design

  • Paula Burt - Coordinator of the Avina Foundation clean water sustainability

  • Celeste Gonzalez - United Nations Development Program and Paraguay’s Environmental Ministry

Every year teacher leaders from around North, Central, and South America come together for an educational conference hosted by AMISA (American International Schools in the Americas). These conferences bring the best and brightest minds together to share modern teaching strategies, educational research, and global educational trends. This year the 2022 AMISA Educators Conference was hosted by Graded School in Sao Paulo during the month of March. ASA sent seven STEAM educators to attend the conference and present various workshops on modern STEAM teaching and learning strategies. From our elementary school, Lilian Gonzalez presented about tech tools to facilitate learning for young students. From the high school, Katie Barnett-Rivas and Kerry Lederman co-presented on community connections and female leadership in STEAM subjects. While teachers are temporarily gone during these conference opportunities, the resulting energy and new ideas that they bring back to ASA always make the investment worthwhile.

March 24th - Women in STEM/STEAM - Gender Gap & ASA STEAM Enrollment Data

Women make up only 28% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), and men vastly outnumber women majoring in most STEM fields in college. The gender gaps are particularly high in some of the fastest-growing and highest-paid jobs of the future, like computer science and engineering. A typical STEM worker earns two-thirds more than those employed in other fields, according to Pew Research Center. And some of the highest-earning STEM occupations, such as computer science and engineering, have the lowest percentages of women workers. At ASA, we strive to give girls and women the skills and confidence to succeed in math and science through improved STEM education and support for girls starting in early education and through K-12.

Student enrollment in middle school and high school STEAM electives at ASA continues to grow each year. This academic year is the first year that all middle school students in grades 7 and 8 are required to take a STEAM elective to learn necessary skill such as engineering, computer programming, and digital design. In the high school, ASA is offering more course opportunities for students by establishing the necessary electives. This includes offering more computer science courses, engineering design courses, digital art courses, and biomedical courses. A key piece of equity here in the ASA STEAM Learning program is to ensure that female students are equally represented in their classes and encouraged to pursue STEAM career dreams. The data below gives a snapshot of the growth in middle school and high school enrollment numbers in STEAM electives and shows that more students are experiencing high quality STEAM learning.

March 17th - Women in STEM/STEAM - Career Challenges & High School Career Pathways

“One of my main worries after graduating isn’t necessarily securing a job but is being accepted in the workplace,” said Marlee Kopetsky, a biomedical engineering student with a focus in psychology at Stevens Institute of Technology. Women have made strides in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math): They made up 27% of STEM workers in 2019, compared with just 8% in 1970, according to research from the U.S. Census Bureau. But, that means that men still make up 73% of all STEM workers. Although there has been an increase in the number of women in STEM careers, there are still many challenges women face that can make it intimidating when considering a job after college. Three of the big challenges women face are:

  • Confidence: Whenever we may feel overwhelmed, breaking it up into small pieces can help us build confidence on a certain topic, which will allow us to break that fear, tackle the project and find new opportunities.

  • Lack of mentorship: a mentor can be a professor, a friend who is pursuing a career, a professional you connected with on LinkedIn, and just about anyone who can help you better understand what questions you may have about your career

  • Understanding our salary: This is a topic that is not spoken about as much as it should be. Women have historically been paid less than their male counterparts in a lot of industries. So, it’s important to do your research, ask questions and understand your worth.

Another example of amazing females at ASA that pursue STEAM subjects are our first high school STEAM Pathway completers. This information was shared back in February, but merits an additional view due to the dedication of these three amazing young ladies. Emily Kung, Nikol Trajkovski, and Sarah Usandivaras were our first round of completers in our Biomedical pathway and our Engineering Design pathway and they concluded their journey by presenting their capstone to a teacher panel for rigorous final approval. These brave young ladies are pioneers at ASA by paving the way for success in STEAM careers for all girls who come after them. Good luck in all your future STEAM endeavors!

March 10th - Women in STEM/STEAM - College Advice & Middle School Robotics

While women make up about 47% of the total workforce, they are statistically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM. Despite this, some of the most notable STEM achievements came from women. For example, the Internet wouldn’t exist without the guidance of women engineers. Due to factors like unconscious bias, many women interested in STEM majors don't go on to pursue STEM careers. Although the system needs to change from the top-down to improve the overall equity of outcomes, women interested in STEM can take several proactive steps to help improve their experience.

  • First, when researching schools, look at each program's cultural diversity. A diverse group of students and professors can create a more inclusive learning environment.

  • Second, look for programs that use a student-centric approach. Instructors who incorporate dynamic projects rather than relying solely on lecture-based teaching methods can help women in STEM find success.

  • Finally, prospective STEM majors should investigate the student experience at different schools. Research shows that competitive and hostile environments hurt academic performance and negatively impact mental health.

An example of ASA students succeeding in the fields of STEAM is the young ladies who form the core of the middle school competitive Lego Robotics team. Amalia Goldman, Nicole Herron, and Mavi Roedel collaborated together with four other ASA boys to take the robotics team to 2nd place in the national tournament. For all three girls, this was one of the first times they had ever experienced coding and engineering robots. Through dedication, collaboration, and creativity, they started a new trend in ASA robotics by taking a team with very limited experience to the competition and earning first in Core Values, 2nd in the Robot Game, and 2nd overall. This story for Mavi, Amalia, and Nicole is not over as these girls are headed to Brazil in August to compete in the Latin American regional competition. Go ASA ladies!

March 3rd - Women in STEM/STEAM - Sustainable Development Goals & High School STEAM Competition

Women’s access to STEAM and their participation in science, technology and innovation systems are necessary for the world to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Many of us experience the influence of science, technology and innovation (STI) on a daily basis across many of aspects of our lives, from personal well-being, to learning, participation, livelihoods, environment and social life. Youth in particular are highly engaged in STIs and focusing on young women can help us reach scalable results in this area. STIs have potential for not only making incremental progress in the everyday lives of women but also as the source for truly disruptive and game changing solutions. Therefore, the ability of women to access, benefit from, develop and influence these sectors will directly impact whether we achieve our goals of Planet 50:50 by 2030. If women are left out of these 21st century revolutions, we will not achieve substantive gender equality by then.

One example of an ASA student succeeding in the fields of STEAM is our very own Mia Ramirez. During the recent high school STEAM competition, Mia participated with two digital submissions. The first submission is titled “I know the end” and earned her first place in the competition after reviewal by a comprehensive STEAM teachers judging panel and a high school student popular vote. This piece was created by using “white colored pencil to mark out the most important things like skulls and ghostly silhouettes” and using “oil pastel to paint brighter colors near the center and the darker ones on the sides.” Her other submission, “Imminent darkness” used a digital engineering program called MagicVoxel and intended to “capture the initial moments of a meteor apocalypse.” This piece earned her the 3rd place prize and when asked why she created it she stated “I chose it after having seen other people’s work. I figured out most things by myself, but I also had help from Youtube and some friends.” Well done, Mia!

Feb 24th - Acting on Community Feedback - Teacher Feedback & HS STEAM Pathways

This month we share with our community the results of the STEAM Learning surveys from semester 1. These surveys give us valuable data to evaluate the effectiveness of our programs so that we can celebrate successes and determine new areas of growth. This week we’ll share the teacher survey results. Teachers at ASA feel our greatest strengths are that we engage our diverse STEAM community to support and sustain programs, that we have a shared vision for STEAM, and that we engage in a continuous improvement process for STEAM education. An identified area of growth by our teacher is that our educators and leaders need to participate more in ongoing STEAM-specific progressional learning. This is to ensure that we are able to meet students and parent expectations and be effective facilitators of self-directed or developers of interdisciplinary units of study. This data helps us celebrate our strengths as well as identify areas of future improvement so that we can be strategic in how we make ASA a regional hub for STEAM learning.

The ASA STEAM Vision is that students will design innovative solutions to 21st-century challenges through collaboration, communication, and creativity. In high school. this is accomplished by providing students with authentic electives and specialized AP courses in the form of STEAM pathways that develop STEAM career and life skills. Pathways give students an idea of what life can look like after they graduate, often giving them this glimpse while they’re still in school. Students in pathways courses access learning experiences where they collaborative engage in authentic inquiry to create solutions to real-world problems.

This December we celebrated our first round of completers in our Biomedical pathway and our Engineering Design pathway. Students presented their capstone to a teacher panel for rigorous final approval. Special recognition goes to the following students:

  • Sarah Usandivaras and(Biomedical Pathway) - DYI IV drip capstone

  • Nikol Trajkovski (Biomedical Pathway) - Prosthetic hand capstone

  • Emily Kung (Engineering Design) - Windmill energy capstone

Feb 17th - Acting on Community Feedback - Student Feedback & Water Bottle Rockets

This month we share with our community the results of the STEAM Learning surveys from semester 1. These surveys give us valuable data to evaluate the effectiveness of our programs so that we can celebrate successes and determine new areas of growth. This week we’ll share the student survey results. Students at ASA feel that one of the greatest strengths of the STEAM program is that the school provides within-school and extracurricular opportunities for students to extend STEAM learning. Students also strongly agree that they demonstrate their learning through performance-based assessments and have opportunities to develop self-assessment and self-monitoring skills. An area of improvement that students identified is the concept of self-directed learning and the opportunities that students have to self-direct and be guided by educators who are facilitators of learning. An opportunity to achieve this is to use the ASA Makerspace where creativity and imagination can come alive. Teachers can bring their students into the space for more open-ended creative opportunities and build self-regulation skills, such as self-management, decision making, and effective use of time.

During the end of last semester, some elementary and middle school students started designing and launching their own water bottle rockets. This activity is a surprisingly simple application of projectile physics with very simple materials. Students take a standard water bottle and turn it into a rocket with simple materials. Since the mouth of the water bottle is the ‘engine’ launch area, that means that the flat part of the bottle is the top of the rocket. A launch of a simple bottle will result in the bottle curving and bending away from a straight launch. A nose cone and fins are usually added to support a more aerodynamic launch. As part of their MISSION TO MARS project, 8th grade students were challenged to build either a space lander, a Mars base, or a rocket to Mars. Students who built their rockets tested them during the last week of school under the supervision of Mr. Lipperer. This is an example of a simple maker project that is part of an interdisciplinary class project and how ASA is using community feedback to create our world-class STEAM learning ecosystem.

Feb 10th - Acting on Community Feedback - Parent Feedback & Airplane Physics

This month we share with our community the results of the STEAM Learning surveys from semester 1. These surveys give us valuable data to evaluate the effectiveness of our programs so that we can celebrate successes and determine new areas of growth. This week we’ll share the parent survey results. Parents at ASA feel that our greatest strengths are that we provide equitable opportunities for students to engage in high-quality STEAM learning and that we have a continuous improvement process for our STEAM learning program. The most noticeable area of improvement based on the parent survey is that we can provide STEAM courses and curriculum aligned to recognized standards and organized into interdisciplinary frameworks. Interdisciplinary learning means combining multiple subject’s standards into a unified assessment that is meaningful for students. This is currently occurring on a small scale in our 8th grade classrooms with such integrated units being our “Migration” and “Mission to Mars” units.

High school physics students are finding formulas from action by studying circular motion through observation of tethered airplanes. Mr. Howard brought his 11th and 12th grade students to the ASA Makerspace for a laboratory that focused on making measurements and analyzing data of airplanes flying around in circles. This specific science lab required that students measure various values of the demonstration, including the vertical distance, the amount of time for one full revolution, and then use these values to calculate the horizontal circle swept by the plane and the linear speed of the plane. This requires students to use their understanding of trigonometry and forces to fully understand what is in play when an airplane is in circular motion. This sort of hands-on discovery and learning is key to STEAM learning at ASA and what we are all about!

Dec 16th - Month of Making and the Makerspace - Engineering Parachutes & Cardboard Arcades

This month we celebrate Maker Culture and the ASA Makerspace by showcasing how STEAM learning at ASA is reaching new heights. Students in 1st grade are learning about engineering through a parachute design challenge as part of their science class. Engineering challenges are possible now due to access to resources in the ASA Makerspace and a growing interest in hands-on making and creation. The Full Option Science System (FOSS) program used in elementary school is based on this same philosophy and encourages students to learn through experimenting. Every unit encourages science practices through hands-on application and connections to previous concepts. Science and engineering are pivotal skills for our students to love and enjoy, so we do this through engineering challenges here at ASA!

Students in the 3rd grade are busy in the Makerspace these days! In addition to making their landscapes projects, they are also starting the classic challenge of the Cardboard Arcades. This unit is about exploring the science behind gravity and magnetism through making a fun and fair cardboard arcade game. Students follow the ASA Design Cycle to ASK questions about how arcade machines use physics principles and IMAGINE potential games that are both fun and fair. Then, they bring their PLANS into the ASA Makerspace to CREATE their contraptions over the course of several periods. Playtesting, troubleshooting physics challenges, and determining appropriate scoring methods are all components of the design process. Once they have a functioning model, they REFLECT on their current progress by gathering user feedback and use that data to IMPROVE their model. The process is iterative and helps students focus on the individual stages rather than just the final outcome. Great work ASA 3rd graders!

Dec 9th - Month of Making and the Makerspace - Digital Museums & Physical Landforms

This month we celebrate Maker Culture and the ASA Makerspace by showcasing how STEAM learning at ASA is reaching new heights. Social studies can come to life when students take their units of study and make them into interactive digital or physical models. 11th grade students in Mr. Hoyt’s US History class have been taking their understanding of early US history and sharing key themes by developing virtual museums. Students are using Art Steps, or similar programs, to create a virtual reality museum that includes an entrance lobby for the theme overview and various rooms for different analysis techniques, such as topic analysis, chronological flow, or evidence comparison. When a student takes on the responsibilities of a profession, such as a museum curator, they are able to explore the roles of responsibilities of adults in safe, fun, and meaningful ways before choosing their own career path.

Students in elementary school are also making creations for their social studies classes. All 3rd grade students with Mrs. Casali came to the ASA Makerspace to physically build models of landscapes and landforms as part of their social studies unit of study. Students collaborated in teams to use cardboard and other simple prototyping materials to create an assigned landscape from a topographical perspective, such as islands or mountains. When making models like these, it is important that students experience challenge and frustration rather than having everything solved for them by an adult. The process of failure is a natural and important step in life, so it is vital that schools ensure that when failure occurs the students are able to reflect on their learning and determine what is needed next to improve. REFLECT is the 5th stage of the ASA Design Cycle and the stage that comes after CREATE and before IMPROVE. Through reflecting, students are able to make connections between their socio-emotional skills, their academic knowledge, and their identity to take ownership of their learning.

Dec 2nd - Month of Maker Culture and the Makerspace - Migration to Mars & Monarch Butterflies

This month we celebrate Maker Culture and the ASA Makerspace by showcasing how STEAM learning at ASA is reaching new heights. Students in the 8th grade are extending their understanding of migration to explore what is necessary for human civilization to migrate to Mars and become an interplanetary species. The US program core subject teachers, led by the science teacher Mr. Lipperer, are challenging students to excel with an interdisciplinary unit of study that includes standards-based content from science, math, social studies, language arts, and design technology. This unit asks ASA students to use the ASA Design Cycle and explore how humans would migrate to Mars by looking at various concepts in each class, such as gravity, distance, temperature, and atmospheric conditions in science class, the role of government on Mars, how a social contract would ensure community, and what math is needed to ensure a successful trip. As part of this unit, all students are programming robots in various activities to simulate necessary tasks on Mars, such as finding ice water or terraforming terrain. Go ASA 8th graders!

Students in the elementary school have been learning about the scientific phenomenon of the monarch migration through the cultural celebration of Dia de Los Muertos that takes place on Nov 1 and 2 in Mexico and many other countries in North and South America. The migration of the monarch butterfly has happened for so long during the Dia de Los Muertos celebration that it has become part of the cultural celebration. These small, but powerful butterflies fly up to 2,000 miles or 3,200 Km from parts of Canada and the United States to the mountains of Mexico in order to escape the cold and survive the winter months. How do they know where and when to go?Students in Kinder and 1st created monarch butterflies by painting or using black glue to make the markings on the wing. They folded 1/2 of the butterfly to transfer the paint or glue and create symmetry on both wings. Some beautiful monarchs are flying through our halls!

Nov 25th - Month of STEAM Learning - Technology in STEAM & K-12 Coding

This month we celebrate how diverse STEAM learning at ASA takes many forms by viewing a single letter of the word STEAM at a time. This week we will look at how computer science education at ASA contributes to the next generation of programmers, designers, and developers who will make the world a better place. Understanding computers and learning the basics of coding helps students to develop an appreciation of how things work. It also teaches them how software engineers use math in order to solve problems in a logical and creative way. This is an important reason that coding should be taught in schools, so students learn these skills while they are young. The ability to solve problems is a trait that is useful in life in general. We all want our students to become excellent problem solvers so that they can overcome any adversity they face. Learning to code gives students the chance to learn this type of skill while they are young and it can help them along the way in life.

Students in ASA have opportunities to learn how to code in elementary school, middle school, and high school through their design technology elective courses. All students in elementary school learn the intuitive and basic functions of coding through block-based programming tools like Scratch and Tynker. They apply these skills naturally to create games, applications, and programs to solve problems. In middle school, all students use block-based programming programs and text-based programming languages to code more complex topics, such as app creation and robot deployment. They are given many opportunities to take these applications and integrate them into their core curriculum projects in transdisciplinary applications. Students in high school have the option of taking basic and intermediate coding elective courses, such as STEAM principles or Computer Science Principles, to use text-based programming languages in more complex settings. ASA is planning to add an AP Computer Science Principles course during the 2022/23 school year to ensure that all students in the high school have access to a fully elaborated coding curriculum.

Nov 18th - Month of STEAM Learning - Engineering in STEAM & ASA Competitive Robotics

This month we celebrate how diverse STEAM learning at ASA takes many forms by viewing a single letter of the word STEAM at a time. This week we explore how engineering is a relatively recent addition to K-12 curriculum and how engineering can be woven into many projects and processes that students already do. Engineering education in K-12 classrooms is a small but growing phenomenon that has implications for engineering and the other STEM subjects: science, technology, and mathematics. Engineering education improves student learning and achievement in science and mathematics, increases awareness of engineering and the work of engineers, boosts youth interest in pursuing engineering as a career, and increases the technological literacy of all students. The teaching of STEM subjects in schools must be improved in order to retain competitiveness in the global economy and to develop a workforce with the knowledge and skills to address technical and technological issues. Engineering design is the vehicle for the integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics into K-12 settings, as well as an outlet for creative problem solving and design-thinking.

ASA had maintained a competitive middle school robotics team for nearly five years. This team participates in the annual Lego FIRST Robotics National Tournament in Paraguay and provides a key intellectual after school activity for middle school students. During the second semester, this club converts into a collaborative middle school robotics club and is open to all middle school students to come and learn the basics of robotics through building and programming an EV3 Lego robot. Students who participate in Lego robotics clubs learn STEM skills and are able to learn how things work together to create a moving machine that can follow specific instructions. They learn how to work together with their peers as a team through the core values of fun, discovery, innovation, inclusion, impact, and teamwork.

Nov 11th - Month of STEAM Learning - Science in STEAM & Ecosystem Models

This month we celebrate how diverse STEAM learning at ASA takes many forms by viewing a single letter of the word STEAM at a time. This week we explore how science is key factor in a STEAM learning system through its focus on inquiry, use of evidence to make a reasoned claim, and the ability of science to explain the complex phenomenon of our world. Scientific research has been one of the great drivers of progress in human history, and the dramatic changes we have seen during the past century are due primarily to scientific findings—modern medicine, electronics, automobiles and jets, birth control, and a host of other helpful inventions. Teaching science should be much more than the rote memorization of theories, formulas, and vocabularies. It should be an education in problem solving and collaboration. This is exactly the mindset ASA teacher have when they challenge our students to think critically through laboratory experiments, scientific simulations, and hands-on data collection activities.

Students in the 5th grade classrooms have been creating and presenting ecosystems models as part of their science unit Living Systems. Each student group created a physical model and informational poster about a specific ecosystem or biome in the world, such as the Great Barrier Reef or the Sahara Desert. What is special to note about this project is that all of the creation and development that students did occurred in the classroom. Parent support is a key component of success in school, but a balance between student effort and parental support needs to ensure that the students are the ultimate creators of their classroom assignments. We applaud the 5th grade team and students for their creations that show what can be done during class time!

Nov 4th - Month of STEAM Learning - Arts in STEAM & 2nd Annual Virtual Music Fest

This month we celebrate how diverse STEAM learning at ASA takes many forms by viewing a single letter of the word STEAM at a time. This week we explore how visual and performing arts are a key component of any healthy STEAM learning system. Creativity, design, and innovation are key components of STEAM learning. When students study visual and performing arts, such as through learning a musical instrument or carrying a sketch book with them, they enhance verbal memory, spatial reasoning and literacy skills. These creative design skills, such as writing music or building a wire frame model of the body, makes students use both sides of their brain, which strengthens memory power. STEAM takes STEM to the next level: it allows students to connect their learning in these critical areas together with arts practices, elements, design principles, and standards to provide the whole pallet of learning at their disposal. STEAM removes limitations and replaces them with wonder, critique, inquiry, and innovation.

This week the American School of Asuncion is proud to host the 2nd Annual Virtual Music Fest. This artistic and intellectual event is a collaboration with 5 other international schools in Latin America and Europe, including Colegio Nueva Granada in Colombia and The American School of Paris in France. This event is taking place virtually from Nov 4th - 6th and there are a limited number of middle and high school students participating. Students will experience a series of workshops held by professional music educators on topics such as vocal performance, instrument techniques, improvisation, and orchestrating digital music. ASA is proud to be a regional host and leader of artistic, intellectual, and academic virtual events through our partnership with other LACIS schools. These types of events provide a similar community and team building experience as sports, while also enriching students' lives with diverse and authentic experiences. During semester 2, students will have the option to participate in a Virtual Art Exhibition and a Virtual STEAM Conference. Details will be shared through the bulletin and elective teachers.

Oct 28th - Month of Science - Chemistry Week & Experiential Learning

This month we celebrate the sciences and focus on a different discipline each week. This week is CHEMISTRY and we will explore the five basics types of chemistry.

  • Analytical chemistry involves the analysis of chemicals. For example, analytical chemistry helps food companies make tastier frozen dinners by detecting how chemicals in food change when they are frozen over time. Analytical chemistry is also used to monitor the health of the environment by measuring chemicals in water or soil, for example.

  • Biochemistry uses chemistry techniques to understand how biological systems work at a chemical level. Thanks to biochemistry, researchers have been able to map out the human genome, understand what different proteins do in the body and develop cures for many diseases.

  • Inorganic chemistry studies the chemical compounds in inorganic, or non-living things such as minerals and metals. Inorganic chemistry is used to create a variety of products, including paints, fertilizers and sunscreens.

  • Organic chemistry deals with chemical compounds that contain carbon, an element considered essential to life. Organic chemistry is used in many applications, such as biotechnology, the petroleum industry, pharmaceuticals and plastics.

  • Physical chemistry uses concepts from physics to understand how chemistry works. For example, figuring out how atoms move and interact with each other, or why some liquids, including water, turn into vapor at high temperatures.

High school students study chemistry in both their 10th grade Chemistry and AP Chemistry classes as well as the optional 12th grade Forensics class. Our 10th grade students recently investigated electrolytes where they were measuring conductivity. The objective was to find out what electrolytes were and why they are important for the body to function properly. Students in the 12th grade Forensics class recently created various crime scenes complete with chemical evidence to uncover and analyze. The objective was to place various pieces of evidence to form a crime scene and allow the chemical clues to point to the method and the culprit. These hands-on applications and inquiry-based investigations highlight the kind of learning that allows students to explore, ask questions, and make relevant connections to current knowledge. Learning at ASA is rigorous, experiential, and STEAM-centric!

Oct 21st - Month of Science - Biology Week & Anatomy

This month we celebrate the sciences and focus on a different discipline each week. This week is BIOLOGY, a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their vital processes. Biology encompasses diverse fields, including botany, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, marine biology, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, and zoology. The fields of microbiology and epidemiology have received significant attention during the pandemic as all of us have turned to doctors and scientists to clinically guide us out of this continuing pandemic. We have learned about vaccines, contagion rates, and necessary sanitary measures to keep our communities and loved one safe. Biology continues to improve our lives and even give us new miracles the more that we peer into the microscope to find out the riddles of life.

Students in the high school Anatomy & Physiology class learned medical science skills through a recent dissection lab. Using scalpels, safety glasses, and other tools, they explore the skin, muscle and bone structure of various chicken parts, such as wings and thighs. Dissections are a common part of a biology experience to learn in a hands-on and experiential way, a pedagogical approach that is valued here at ASA. As we build our courses and develop our career pathways, parents of current students can expect to see a Medical Science pathway option appear that will specifically benefit students who are taking this course or the Forensics science course. If your child is in this course or interested in this course, make sure to talk to Matthew Johnson, the high school college and career counselor, to understand how to apply for the Medical Science pathway.

Oct 14th - Month of Science - Earth Science Week & Studying Rocks

This month we celebrate the sciences and focus on a different discipline each week. This week is EARTH SCIENCE, the study of the earth's atmosphere (meteorology or atmospheric science), the water flowing on and beneath the surface of continents (hydrology), and the earth's seas and oceans (oceanography or ocean sciences). Earth science does not routinely make big headlines, but as global warming and the climate crisis continues, we see more and more evidence of changes to our earth. One study found that as the polar ice sheets melt, the process is not just raising sea levels, but also warping the underlying surface of Earth. Some of the effects can be seen across thousands of miles. This is one more piece of undeniable evidence that human activity is impacting the climate, the planet, and the communities that we love. Action is needed by all to preserve our Earth for future generations.

Students in grade 4 study soils, rocks, and land formations as part of their earth science unit. Recently they explored how various rocks and earth particles react and interact with chemicals, such as vinegar. Students compare a wide range of rock structures, such as granite, sandstone, limestone, basalt, conglomerate, calcite and marble, to understand how rocks are different and how they are made. Our 4th grade students perform a series of science experiments where they take appropriate safety precautions using safety glasses and record their observations in their journals. These investigations culminate with a trip to Cerro Koi where they explore and record the unique geological features that make Cerro Koi a national park in Paraguay. Let’s keep science fun, active, and alive so that these young innovators can make the world, and our Earth, a better place.

Oct 7th - Month of Science - Space Science Week & AEP/ASA

This month we celebrate the sciences and focus on a different discipline each week. This week is SPACE SCIENCE and we will explore the recent advances in commercial space tourism. There are several different types of space tourism, including orbital, suborbital and lunar space tourism. Work also continues towards developing suborbital space tourism vehicles. This is being done by aerospace companies like Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and SpaceX. This is inspiring and exciting for many of us to consider that we too could soon travel to space, but at least one thing is clear today: even with Inspiration4's success, a full-fledged commercial spaceflight industry is still far off. As seen throughout history, the early days of exploring the next frontier belong to the ultra-wealthy and well-connected – the Vasco da Gamas, Ferdinand Magellans, and Christopher Columbuses of the 21st century.

This year, ASA is partnering with the Paraguayan Space Agency (AEP) to plan and present at the international Space Week. This is from Oct 4th - 10th and ASA will be sharing a 1 hour video of our space science units and projects from multiple grade levels. This includes the Jules Verne inspired Journey to the Moon projects in 5th grade, the Mission to Mars projects in 8th grade, and various engineering design projects from the high school STEAM electives, such as astrophotography and arduino circuitry. There are also individual student contributions to our presentation, such as a 3D model of the solar system created by a 6th grade student and an exploration of star mapping software by a high school student. Look forward to the official broadcast from the Paraguayan Space Agency on their YouTube channel. ASA will be premiering on Friday!

Oct 1st - Month of Medicine - Terere Medicine & Growing Plants

In 2020, Tereré was inscribed on UNESCO’s representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Traditional knowledge about the healing attributes of the medicinal herbs that make up terere mixtures and their correct use are commonly shared amongst family and local communities. Tereré boasts a number of health benefits, ranging from boosting energy to being a good source of B Vitamins (1, 2, 5 & 6), calcium, magnesium, and iron. It’s also said to be an effective weight-loss aid and eases digestion. It also apparently contains lots of antioxidants, and, according to some, it can lower blood pressure and help to bring down inflammation. In Paraguay, it’s not unknown for folk to add medicinal herbs to their tereré in order to alleviate stomach troubles and headaches.

Students in grade 3 study the structures of plants as part of their life science unit. They experiment using different seeds to see which ones grow and under what conditions. Students ask questions, formulate ideas, and carry out their life science investigations in this hands-on experience. All three classrooms (Mr. Hillman, Mrs. Young, and Mrs. Bossom) use these life science experiments to explore the various structure and parts of plants, such as the leaves, stems, and roots. Experiential and authentic learning is the basis of quality education, something that we highly value here at ASA and something that we are thankful for now that we are learning again from our physical classrooms. Look forward to more experience in elementary science throughout the year as we continue to bring out Full Option Science System (FOSS) kits to action in our classrooms.

Sept 22nd - Month of Medicine - Medical 3D Printing and Memories

3D printing has demonstrated huge potential for the future of medicine in the previous years, and its development will continue to provide new health improvements. 3D printing in medicine and healthcare could revolutionize drug creation and the production of medical equipment. It could also offer new methods for practicing medicine, optimizing supply chains, and propose cheaper and way more personalized medical services. Here are some of the advances to look forward to:

  • Personalized medical equipment

  • Models for surgical planning and education

  • Prosthetics and implants

  • 3D Printing biomaterials: blood vessels, bones, heart valve, synthetic skin and organs

The following post is being reshared from May 5th, 2019, as a memory from the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. ASA was busy 3D printing face visors for hospitals to prepare for the coming pandemic.

The 3D printer at ASA continues to print face shield components for hospital and auxiliary workings in Paraguay. Through the collaboration of the PTA, Mrs. Adriana Campos Cervera, several committed high school volunteers and other members of the community, ASA has helped in producing over 400 face shields for hospital workers at Barrio Obrero and Hospital San Pablo.

Sept 16th - Month of Medicine - Careers in Healthcare & ASA STEAM Conference

Now that ASA is offering more medical science courses in high school, such as Anatomy and Physiology or Forensics, consider that there are more occupations in the healthcare field than doctors. Heres’s a list of various healthcare careers:

  • Administration: Just like other industries, the healthcare sector offers careers in administration and management.

  • Specialist: You can specialize in a certain aspect of human biology, such as optometry, audiology, or podiatry.

  • Animal Health: Our animal friends, including pets, wildlife and livestock, also need vital medical services. The main career options are to be an animal nurse or doctor.

  • Dentistry: Everybody wants a nice smile and healthy, pain-free teeth. So there's always high demand for dental services.

  • Emergency Worker: Emergency workers are on the frontline of saving lives and include health professionals who are trained to provide immediate medical assistance.

  • Medical Research: Extend the boundaries of medical knowledge and treatment through research and clinical studies.

  • Mental Health: To work in mental health, be prepared to do a support role, such as being a carer, or to do advanced studies and become a mental health nurse, registered psychologist, or psychiatrist.

  • And more: Nursing, nutrition, pharmacy, physical therapy, safety, and technologist.

For a complete list of possible career paths, check out this resource.

On Sept 10th and 11th, ASA teachers and staff kicked off the very first STEAM Educators Conference! This event included ASA teachers as well as other teachers from internationally-minded schools in Asuncion, such as Liberty and Trinity. The two-day conference focused on deepening STEAM educational pedagogy, teaching tools, and sharing experiences of best practices. Our amazing teachers explored the ASA Design Cycle and how using inquiry, creative thinking, and design engineering skills can help stimulate lifelong learning in our students. We also explored a variety of STEAM tools and resources, such as creation tools like TinkerCad for Arduino simulations, data repository websites like DataNuggets for scientific data sets, and coding tools like CodeHS and P5.js. ASA teachers are moving in the direction of the STEAM vision of creating authentic and relevant learning experiences where “ASA students design innovative solutions to 21st-century challenges through collaboration, communication, and creativity.”

Sept 8th - Month of Medicine - Vaccine Full Approval & Science Experiments

Covid-19 vaccines are starting to receive full approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is the first to be formally approved and it’s expected that many other will soon follow. This means that the vaccine was subject to a full review by the U.S. regulator and to get received approval that puts the vaccine on par with other marketed vaccines. The full approval could make it easier for employers, the military, and universities to mandate vaccination and may reassure some people who are hesitant about the vaccine. The process to fully approve a vaccine normally takes years as there are multiple checkpoints needed to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the drug being tested before releasing it to the general public. Many Covid-19.vaccines have already received emergency use authorization, but the main difference between emergency use authorization and full approval is the amount of time that participants can be observed. For the emergency use authorization, the FDA requires at least half of the participants of the original studies to be followed for at least two months post-vaccination. This is because the vast majority of vaccine-related side effects occur right after vaccination. Full FDA approval, on the other hand, requires participants in the original studies to be followed for at least six months.

Students in Mrs. Barnett’s high school AP Biology have been studying liquid viscosity and surface tension through a series of experiments in the school’s Makerspace. Every student used a water dropper and three different liquids (water, soapy water, and rubbing alcohol) to record the number of drops that could be supported on the surface of a 500 Guarani coin. Students tested each liquid five times, recorded their number of drops in a spreadsheet, and then calculated several mathematical central tendencies, such as average and standard deviation. This is exactly the kind of learning that is encouraged here at ASA: Hands-on experience and attention to scientific thinking. Through these experiences, students gain an appreciation for how scientific studies in society are conducted and why transparency is so valuable in scientific progress.

Sept 1st - Month of Medicine - Air Quality Index & Respiratory Systems

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is an important indicator to be aware of how it works, especially as the last couple of weeks saw unhealthy levels around Paraguay and Asuncion. Think of the AQI as a yardstick that runs from 0 to 500. The higher the AQI value, the greater the level of air pollution and the greater the health concern. For example, an AQI value of 50 or below represents good air quality, while an AQI value over 300 represents hazardous air quality. Poor air quality can be a serious medical and health issue for people with pre-existing respiratory conditions. Wearing a mask, reducing or limiting outdoor activities, and even running an air purifier (like the ones in all classrooms at ASA) are all ways to mitigate the harm. Here is a website to learn more:

Students in the high school senior class Anatomy and Physiology explored the various systems that exist in the human body through a hands-on activity in ASA’s newly opened Makerspace. There are a series of eleven organ systems, including the respiratory system, that make up the human body. It’s the interworking of these systems that students studied as they created physical models of the human body. Furthermore, all of the regions of the body have specific nomenclature to differentiate them. This eventually creates a huge vocabulary list for students to slowly internalize as they learn more and more about the various structures of the human body. This science course is perfect for students who are interested in medical science and becoming a doctor in the future.

Aug 25th - TRANSITIONING TO NORMAL - STEAM Mission and Engineering Challenges

The ASA STEAM Team is a committee of over a dozen K-12 teachers representing science, math, engineering, technology, art, and even social studies. Last year the team formulated the MISSION and VISION of the ASA STEAM Program. We would like to share with you this week the VISION that gives us specific targets and goals to accomplish:

The ASA STEAM program strives for excellence by inspiring our students to:

  • define real-world problems and solve them using interdisciplinary innovations

  • develop engineering, making, and design skills through creative and complex STEAM challenges

  • design investigations that gather data, develop claims, and take actions based on evidence

and ensures the ideal learning environment in the school by:

  • maintaining an equipped Makerspace and flexible workspaces

  • retaining highly qualified professionals trained in STEAM teaching & learning practices

  • prioritizing and protecting time for collaboration opportunities

5th grade students are developing their engineering, making, and design skills through periodic STEAM challenges, such as this quick activity pictured below. Using limited card materials and a 10 minutes time limit, students were challenged with making as tall of a structure as possible. This sort of activity sparks creative and critical thinking skills in students as they are forced to experiment, evaluate their solutions, compare their ideas with others, and improve their models. To extend the challenge further, students were asked at a later date to revisit this challenge with less materials and new insights on engineering. This is a classic and effective use of the ASA Design Cycle and a great way for all students to get involved in STEAM education. Special recognition to Mrs. Quatrale, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Schumaker for facilitating these kinds of activities for students.

Date - THEME - Topic


Aug 18th - TRANSITIONING TO NORMAL - Vision and Microscopes

The ASA STEAM Team is a committee of over a dozen K-12 teachers representing science, math, engineering, technology, art, and even social studies. Last year the team formulated the MISSION and VISION of the ASA STEAM Program. We would like to share with you this week the VISION that guides our program, academic units, and community collaboration.

What are innovative solutions?

These are non-traditional ways of viewing problems that leverage modern thinking and tools to create sustainable answers.

What are 21st-century challenges?

Our world faces many unprecedented challenges and we narrow our focus on the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Why collaboration, communication, and creativity?

These were the soft skills most valued by ASA parents and teachers from our multiple rounds of stakeholder feedback. They are 21st-century skills and timeless in their application.

High school science students have focused their own vision to see the unseeable using our school's microscopes. This is the first year that high school students have the opportunity to take a science class focused on forensics. Forensic scientists examine and analyze evidence from crime scenes and elsewhere to develop objective findings that can assist in the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators. This week, students took oil samples from their own foreheads to look for microscopic organisms, such as face mites, which could be viewed as evidence in a crime scene. The ASA STEAM program continues to support students to offer them new and exciting opportunities that mirror what real professionals do in the field. Check out the results of the experience below!